5 Lessons We Learned Successfully Cultivating an Anthology

It's my absolute pleasure to introduce to you two of my favorite ladies in the writing world. I've known Ashley R. Carlson and Marissa Fuller for over a year now, and I couldn't be happier of this amazing duo cultivating an anthology called It Begins Here. Now ladies, I hand the mic over to you... 

Ashley R. Carlson and Marissa Fuller are familiar with the publishing industry. As both authors and editors, they thought they were fully qualified to cultivate an anthology with five other authors. Inspired by the purpose of seeing many of them in print for the first time, Ashley and Marissa dove head-long into what turned out to be a big project. Here’s what they learned.

5 Lessons We Learned Successfully Cultivating An Anthology | Blots & Plots
5 Lessons We Learned Successfully Cultivating An Anthology | Blots & Plots

The Biggest Challenge

M: COMMUNICATION. As writers, communication is basically our trade. If we can put an image in your mind’s eye of a house you’ve never seen before, then we should be able to muster some chain emails with six CCs, by golly. But keeping in constant touch with seven people turned out to be quite a task, especially since all the authors are scattered in different time zones and all committed to other jobs and projects. Thankfully, our shared passion for this anthology was enough to pull it all off.

A: For me, the biggest challenge was probably coordination—as in, sending out emails, deciding on due dates, enforcing those due dates, communicating with our formatter and cover designer, etc. It’s quite a lot when eight people are involved in a project, but thankfully everyone was extremely prompt and wonderful about getting first drafts to me on time, getting beta-feedback to the author they were paired with and submitting final drafts! Special shout out to our cover designer and contributing author, Amber Thomas, who remade the covers about eight times to fit CreateSpace’s dimensions. Thanks, Amber!

Assembling the Team

M: When Ashley and I began the draft, I had too many names to add to the list! The first people to come to mind were NaNoWriMo word sprint comrades, people whose passions fueled my own inspiration. I am blessed with a wide-reaching writing tribe, and I could not be happier with the roster we ended up with when all was said and done!

A: With technology, it’s finally easy (and recommended!) to have a network of fellow author friends as we pursue this crazy career called fiction writing. When I reached out to Marissa with the idea of publishing an anthology, our immediate first question was: Who will be involved? Some anthologies are open to the public, with writers making submissions for possible inclusion—but we wanted to do something more intimate than that. I (and Marissa) wanted to see some of my closest writer friends, many of whom are pursuing traditional publishing careers or are still in drafting stages of novels, have their work in print.

Because of the amazing capabilities of indie publishing nowadays (as Jenny can attest to), it’s quite possible to go from idea to publication in as little as three months—which is exactly what we did with It Begins Here! Due to the dedication and hard work of the seven authors involved—all strong female up-and-coming writers and close personal friends of Marissa and me—we have an amazing book full of new works by Marissa, Liz, Amanda, Lilly, J., Amber and myself to entertain audiences with.

Favorite Part of the Experience

M: When I got home from class today, I knew a real life copy of a book with my words in it would be waiting for me in the mail. To hold our creation in my hands, the dream born from our idea only months ago, was incredible. I feel terribly honored to have my story sharing a platform with the caliber of talent that stands alongside it in this anthology.

A: I have to say the same—I’ve already self-published several books and though it’s still magical every time, the best part of this experience has been watching some of my dearest friends and critique partners (Lilly Raines!) have their words published and available for readers. There is truly so much talent in this anthology, and to have been a part of getting several of these authors’ FIRST PUBLISHED WORK into the world makes me positively ecstatic. Plus, that cover.

The Logistics

M: We set a length of 10-15k words per story, which staggered nicely as some stories came in across the spectrum. The genres and topics are all so diverse, but were tied together with the same idea of beginnings.

A: Yes—we are all such different writers, and wanted to be true to our genres. I think it’s really cool to explore the topic of “beginnings,” and to see how this concept was interpreted by so many different minds and in various worlds. Also, we decided that our proceeds will go to the second installment of the anthology, It Ends Here—all sequel stories to our first, about something ending—as well as NaNoWriMo. Stay tuned for It Ends Here in spring of 2016!

Marketing Fun!

M: As I am one of the majority in this anthology being published for the first time, the marketing part of the business of publishing was new to me. I’ve always championed my friends as they publish, but it was my first time on the other side! What’s really great and unique about our marketing experience for It Begins Here is that proceeds go to creating the second part of the anthology, and anything surpassing that is to be donated to NaNoWriMo. It makes it really easy for me to market the heck out of this anthology when I truly believe in what we’re doing.

A: One of the best things about organizing an anthology is the ability to cast such a wide net throughout various channels regarding the book. Instead of just one person marketing a book, we have seven (and even more because of amazing author friend/supporters like Jenny). That means seven people tweeting about it, seven people sending out newsletters, seven people holding drawings for signed paperbacks (I am too! Go to www.ashleyrcarlson.com/free-e-book to found out how to enter!), and seven people generally getting really excited about our new book.

Find It Begins Here on Amazon in e-book and paperback.

Add It Begins Here on Goodreads

Stay tuned for the second installment, It Ends Here, with an anticipated release of spring 2016!

Marissa Fuller is a young adult contemporary author and freelance editor currently studying at the University of Arizona in their creative writing program. Her short story After He Left is her first published work. Find her on her website at www.thebrazenbibliophile.com, on Twitter as @thebbibliophile, and Instagram as @marsfuller.

Ashley R. Carlson grew up wanting a talking animal friend and superpowers, and when that didn’t happen, she decided to write them into existence. She is the CEO of Utopia Editing & Ghostwriting Services, a company that makes editing, content creation, and marketing fun and successful for every need. Her award-winning fantasy novel, “The Charismatics,” can be found on Amazon and her website, and you can subscribe to her newsletter for updates, free books, and prizes. Check out Ashley R. Carlson’s writing and editing at:www.ashleyrcarlson.com.

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5 Ways to Find A Writing Community

Let's be honest. As glamorous as writing sounds, it all comes down to you, at your desk, writing alone. Pretty depressing, huh? But what if you could socialize your writing experience, and still stay productive? I'd say, sign me up!

When I was writing my first novel, These Are the Moments, I decided that I needed to find a writing community. It was important for me to make friends that understood the ups and downs of the writing process, and to meet people in all stages of this adventure. No matter where you are in your journey, it's time to socialize your writing experience.

Below I've broken down the five, most effective ways to find a writing community:

5 Ways to Find Your Writing Community | Blots & Plots

5 Ways to Find Your Writing Community | Blots & Plots

Find a Twitter Chat

Twitter is my favorite social media platform, by far. It's a quick, creative way to connect with people that allows you to ask questions, tweet at writers you admire and of course, participate in Twitter chats. A Twitter chat is an event hosted by one or multiples users, tracked with a hashtag in a set time frame. 

For instance, Kristen of She's Novel and I started a Twitter chat called Story Social. Every Wednesday at 9 PM EST, we tackle different topics about social media for writers, using #StorySocial.

The secret? Getting to know the regulars. After several months of hosting our chat, Kristen and I have gotten to know our chat-frequenters. It truly has become its own community, and I look forward to chatting with our friends every week.

To join in on the fun, follow the Story Social Chat host account.

Reach Out to Authors You Admire

When I first explored the idea of self-publishing, I found Ksenia Anske (her book is pictured above.) After binge-reading her posts and vowing to self-publish my own novel, I finally worked up the courage to send her an email. It went something like this:

 Dear Ksenia,

Hi, I'm Jenny Bravo and I'm kind of obsessed with you. Not in the stalker way. In the totally normal, fangirl way. I'm going to self-publish my book because of you. So, will you be my best friend?

XOXO, Jenny

I sent the same kind of email when I first met Kristen (She's Novel). When you find a writer that makes you fangirl, send them a personal email. Although, word of advice, you should try to be a bit more eloquent than I was.

A few things to keep in mind:

  1. Be authentic. Don't be a suck-up.

  2. Be complimentary. Again, don't be a suck-up.

  3. Be purposeful. Don't waste this person's time. Have a point to your message, without being demanding.

Participate in NaNoWriMo

Let's write a novel! If you decide to participate in National Novel Writing Month, you're definitely going to find a writing community as you try to reach 50,000 words.

There are online forums as well as in-person meet-ups by city for writers of all stages. Because it's basically the Ironman for Writers, I've decided to form my own online writing community.

Click for more tips on how to win at NaNoWriMo + sign up for the community.

Join an In-Person Writing Group

Sometimes, you need that one-on-one personal touch. One of my favorite things about majoring in English was that I could workshop my writing every week in class.

But what if you don't have the luxury of in-person writer friends? Here are some alternate options:

  1. Skype. Once you've found your online writing group, if you feel comfortable enough, you can "meet" on Skype.

  2. Google Hangouts. Want to host a meet-up for several writers? Google Hangouts is your best bet! You can even record your session to reference later.

  3. Facebook Groups. Spend your daily Facebook check-ins with your writing group.

Build Your Own Community

Want to find a writing community? Why not build your own? When I first got serious about writing my novel, I started writing my blog as well. With the help of Pinterest and Twitter, I was able to draw an awesome group of people to the blog, and create my community from there.

If you're not interested in blogging, here are a few other options:

  1. YouTube. Comfortable in front of the camera? YouTube may be your place.

  2. Podcasting. Let your voice be heard! Hop on the podcast game.

  3. Instagram. If you like taking pictures, build up your Instagram game. Host challenges and interact with your audience.

Discussion Time: Do you have a writing community? What's your favorite place to interact with other writers?

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"I'm Not Good Enough" & Other Phrases to Stop Saying

"I'm not good enough." Raise your hand if you're guilty of believing this phrase. Go ahead, this is a safe space. Each of us, at one point or another, has thought one or all of the following phrases that I'm going to share with you today.

As writers, our mindset is directly connected to our productivity. If we're clouded with negative thoughts, we can't possibly perform at our best. So, how do we flip these phrases around to create more positive, productive thinking? Let me show you, friends!

I'm Not Good Enough

Instead, Say: I show up and give my best effort.

This is the biggest lie of them all, my friends. We make the mistake of judging our own work before we even give it a chance, and then, we end up quitting altogether. That's bull, people. So, take the emotion out of it. Instead, show up and give your best effort. Then, allow yourself that sense of accomplishment.

I Don't Have Enough Time

Instead, Say: I prioritize my time for the things that I enjoy.

Let me say this as gently as possible. "I Don't Have Enough Time" is a bunch of baloney. However, I do believe that we struggle with prioritizing our time. Do you have ten minutes to spare? With only ten minutes, my friends, you can change your writing game. For more in-depth advice on this, read my post on the number one secret to writing faster.

I Don't Have Enough Training

Instead, Say: I can improve my writing through practicing daily.

Does education help you? Absolutely. Do you need an MFA to write a book? No, sir/ma'am. You'll only grow as a writer if you're actually writing, so just start, and let experience train you.

I Have Too Many Ideas

Instead, say: I'm excited to develop one idea until it's completed.

We love the idea of new. It's why we jump every time a new iPhone releases. However, it's this fascination with novelty that keeps us from finishing anything. If we jump every time we get a new story idea, we'll never complete anything. Instead, choose the idea that excites you the most, the idea that has the most potential, the idea that has the most staying power. Then, see it through to the end.

I'm Not Good Enough (And Other Phrases to Stop Saying) | Blots & Plots

I'm Not Good Enough (And Other Phrases to Stop Saying) | Blots & Plots

I Don't Have Any Good Ideas

Instead, Say: I haven't found my best idea yet, but I can use this time to brainstorm.

Maybe you haven't found the story idea with the it factor yet, and that's okay. Start with some character work or writing prompts. If you get in the habit of writing, it might spark an idea for you down the line.

I'm Not Smart Enough to Write a Book

Instead, Say: I have the dedication and the drive to write this book.

Not smart enough? No sir/ma'am. You don't have to be a literary genius to write a book. You simply need passion and dedication to the work. When we compare ourselves to the greats, we stunt our ability to make words happen. Do your best, and be proud!

I'm Not Creative Enough to Write a Book

Instead, Say: I'm excited for the challenge of writing and committed to the work.

I'm a firm believer that everyone has their own unique, creative spark. The idea that you're either creative or you're not is a big, fat lie. If you have an idea, you can make it happen. All you need to do is commit to the process. For more on this, read my post on first novel advice.

I Don't Know How to Start A Book

Instead, Say: I may not know how to start a book, but I have faith in my writing ability.

Writing a book is difficult, of course, but it's doable. If starting is holding you back, then write around that. Start from the end and write your way backwards. You can try writing from the middle, too. Whatever strategy gets words on the page, do that. Read this post on how to start your novel for extra tips.

I'll Write My Book When/After (Blank)

Instead, Say: Every day, I will take small steps toward my goal of writing a novel.

We need to stop seeing writing a book as a one-step process. We feel like we need a whole writing retreat or a week of coffee-shop writing or to quit our day jobs. You can start now, one step at a time.

[Tweet "Stop waiting for when or after to write your novel. Start now. @blotsandplots #writetip"]

No One Will Read My Book

Instead, Say: Finding an audience for my story will be an exciting step in my journey.

No one? No one, out of 7.3 billion people on Earth, will read your book? Even if your book doesn't sell, even if you have to keep your day job forever, I bet you can find one person who will not only read, but love, your book. When it comes to your book's audience, you only need a few, loyal readers. 

People Don't Want to Read Another Book About (BLANK)

Instead, Say: I have a fresh, new voice to bring to a familiar subject.

Vampires? Zombies? Romances? The fact is that all stories have been done before, in one way or another. It's what you bring to the text that separates your book from the rest. Don't be afraid to tackle a topic that's saturated in the market. Write what you enjoy writing.

I'll Never Write as Well as (BLANK)

Instead, Say: I want to write to the best of my abilities.

There's no better measure of success than yourself. Why? Because you can't be anyone else. Easy concept, hard to compute. The comparison game is an alluring one, but it's one we have to fight. Write as well as you can, for as long as you can, and watch where it takes you. 

It's Too Late to Start My Writing Career

Instead, Say: It's never too late to start my writing career.

Have you always wanted to write a book, but never got around to it? Why not start now? There's no wrong time to start your writing career, and saying it's too late is the fear talking. Grab a pen. Grab a notebook. Just write.

I Haven't Researched Enough To Write This Book

Instead, Say: I can't study everything, but I can apply what I've learned to my work.

There is such a thing as too much research. You can't know everything there is to know about The Middle Ages, okay? But, at the heart of every historical novel, there are real human connections. Now, that, you can write without any research at all. Don't let research keep you from getting your job done. 

I'll Never Get an Agent/Editor/Publishing Deal

Instead, Say: When the timing's right, I'll find the best publishing path for me.

So, you're afraid of rejection. That's completely natural. But when it comes to picking your publishing path, let's take the stress out of it. If you're rejected at first, try again. Be J.K. Rowling. If you really can't wait, take a look into self-publishing.

Are you thinking positively yet?

Discussion Time: What positive steps can you take to writing your novel today? Share your affirmations with us in the comments below! 

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Self-Publishing Income Report: Month 3

Hi there and welcome to the Jenny Bravo Books blog! As a first-time author, I’ve decided to track the first three months of my earnings online for you. Enjoy!

self-publishing income report

self-publishing income report

It's reporting time! The August Numbers are in. The polls are closed. {Insert another phrase that deals with money.} Another month of being a published author has come and gone, so here I am, in my sweats, writing a fun post for you.

What's new this month? Well, I've been balancing two projects at once, and it's been. . . interesting. The prequel, Those Were the Days, is fixed and pretty, almost ready to hit the virtual shelves. The TATM mini-book from Simon's perspective is heading to editing next week. So basically, I'm telling you that I wrote stuff and you can read it soon. The end. 

Onward to the numbers!

What I did this month

Started live-streaming

There's a fancy new app called Periscope that allows you to chat on the go with your audience. If haven't joined yet, hop on the bandwagon, my friends. Authors and creative entrepreneurs are sharing amazing content there. For my part, I'm sharing writing tips and novel secrets. Download the app here and follow @blotsandplots.

Chained myself to the keyboard

Again, I found myself in the #TATM tent, writing and editing away. In August, I made a big life change by moving back home to Louisiana, so I've found that I now have extra free time to work, which is awesome! Anyway, books, books, books.

Ran my first book promotion

Technically, this happened in September, but you can read this post about how I sold 43 books in a single day. Go #TeamTATM go!

KDP Book Royalties

Total Book Sales: 7 ebooks

Total KENP Read: 2383 pages

Total Book Royalties: $28.81

This month, a good majority of my book sales came from the KDP Select program: $12.25. Here's a chart of my sales below:

Screen Shot 2015-09-27 at 1.23.13 PM

Screen Shot 2015-09-27 at 1.23.13 PM

And here's one of the KENP read:

self-publishing income report

self-publishing income report

Createspace Royalties

Total Book Sales: 3 print books

Total Book Royalties: $8.31

Dear owners of the above three books, thank you for making print books happen. I secretly root for you, my friends.

Total Amount Earned: $37.12

Thoughts on this month

Let's keep the ball going, gems and gents! Now, it's time to focus on promotion. Making new friends. Supporting my self-published besties like Rachel Del and Kristen Kieffer {get her workbook here.} 

Discussion Time: Where are you spending the most time in your writing process? Promoting? Creating new content? 

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